Sunday, May 3, 2015


Well....this first few weeks went by pretty well then I got into my own head and starting making excuses.

I kept thinking..."I don't have time"..."I am too tired"..."there are other things that are more important"..."I will do it tomorrow"..."It's too late now"....etc.

What I was doing was sabotaging myself into NOT doing what I knew I needed to do.  I starting falling back into the old me and wanting to give up because it was taking too long.

But then I looked at my before and after pic and KNEW that I could not and would not give up on my journey.  Why did I want to stop myself from doing something that helped me in so many ways?

I KNEW that the only one stopping me was me!  I had to dig deep and keep going because going back to the way I was was NOT an option!

Even though the excuses and negative thoughts kept coming back I had to CONTINUE to believe in myself and keep going!   NEVER LOOK BACK!

More to come...

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