Thursday, July 2, 2015


When I first started this journey back in September 2014...I was scared!  I was constantly getting in my own way and sabotaging myself.  I kept telling myself it was too hard and I was going to fail so why bother.

BUT I started thinking " are miserable least try".

So my first goal was STARTING!  I kept making excuses for why I shouldn't but I knew I NEEDED to do this for me....not anyone else but for me!  Was it hard?  Hell yes it was hard!  I was so sore and wondered what had I gotten myself into to.

Second goal....BELIEVE IN ME!  When I first started I kept getting on the scale and would let the number define how I was doing and who I was.  But I realized it is more than were my clothes fitting, how my mindset was changing and how much better my eating was.  MOST IMPORTANTLY....I started believing in myself again!

Third goal...KEEP GOING!  No matter how many times I matter how many mistakes I make....I refuse to give up.  I look at my before photo and remember "why" I started.  I don't want to go back and live that way again.

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