Saturday, April 18, 2015


I was so happy to start this new journey and I KNEW this was going to get me where I wanted to be and fast!

All I had to do was pig out for 3 days and on the fourth day I needed to eat 800 calories a day and use these drops 3 times a day.  Only white meat (4 ounces), drink a lot of water and only green hard could this be?

The first day of 800 calories was hard!  I did not feel good at all from pigging out to dropping those calories so fast but I was determined to do this!  It got easier as the days went by and I lost weight!

I was feeling great about myself and enjoying the new me..even other people started to notice and ask me what I was I told them.  I HAD to share my quick fix with others and help them too.

I did this for over 6 months and it got to the point where we couldn't afford the drops anymore due to my husband getting laid off.  There were more important things that needed paid.  But I kept up on my eating until the day I just had to have something I shouldn't and that was the end of that.

I should have known that depriving myself wasn't working but of course I was too stubborn to listen to my own thoughts and feelings and the day came when I couldn't take it anymore.  I did it again and I was loving the taste of food I hadn't had.  What was wrong with me?  I felt like such a failure!
The ideas of taking diet pills and making myself sick kept coming back to me BUT I didn't want to go back was not good for me.

Would I ever find something that worked?  Would I ever quit being so stubborn and realize what I really needed to do?  I don't want to be a failure anymore.  I prayed that I would find what I was looking for.

More to come...


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