Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I FINALLY realized what I needed to do and that was going to take determination and consistency.  But I didn't know where to start...?

I didn't want to do the same thing over and over again...I was getting too bored with those.  Then I found out a friend of mine was doing some really fun stuff.  So I decided to talk to her and get some information and what she told me sounded great!

I was interested but very nervous and fearful of starting over and failing again.  I was so tired of doing good and then falling down and not getting back up.  I would get inside my head and listen to all the negative thoughts like..."why are you trying again?"  "you are just going to fail"  "you can't do this"  "what are other people going to think of you?"  "once you fail again people are going to say I told you so" and on and on and on.

I HAD to stop listening to those negative thoughts and BELIEVE in myself again.  I needed to do something...I was not happy with the way I was feeling about myself and the way I looked.

For once...I KNEW I needed to do this for me...

More to come...

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