Wednesday, April 15, 2015


The cabbage diet got old really fast and I was tired of the restrictions and eating the same things over and over again.  So I found something else and this was the most interesting one to date.

I saw this infomercial about putting something in your ear that would hit the pressure point to curb my cravings for eating.  Hmm...sounded interesting...why not?  So I ordered it even though my husband thought I was nuts.

My package came in the mail and the instructions told me to put it in my ear and push on it to hit the pressure point...ouch!  That did not feel good but I was more concerned about the pain than does that mean it was working?   I kept trying it for a couple of weeks but that got old fast and it did not feel good.  My ear was so sore!

In the back of my mind I KNEW that eating right and exercising was the answer BUT nope...stubborn old me didn't want to go that route.  So I kept looking and found something that I saw other people doing and losing weight fast!  That was awesome and I HAD to try that!

More to come...

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